Monday, 3 December 2012

AT Assessment Models

Matching Person and Technology (MPT) Model

The MPT Model considers users expectations, preferences, background, family and environmental influences, and economic factors in the determination of appropriate AT.

Three major components (Milieu, Person, Technology) are assessed using a series of questionnaires.

Milieu: focuses on characteristics of the settings in which AT is to be used.

Person: provides information about the user’s personal characteristics and temperament.

Technology:  focuses on specific characteristics of the technology itself, including design factors and funding.

Lifespace Access Profile for Individuals with Severe or Multiple Disabilities (LAP) Model

The LAP Model consists of an assessment protocol that evaluates the individual’s current abilities across five domains: Physical Resources, Cognitive Resources, Emotional Resources, Support Resources, and Environmental Analysis.

Physical Resources: gathers information on the individual’s general health, mobility support, and body sites for switch access.

Cognitive Resources: include the ability to understand cause-effect and communication skills.

Emotional Resources:  solicits information about reinforcers, distractibility, and tolerance for change.

Support Resources:  identifies the degree to which family members and professionals have adequate training and time to implement AT.

Environmental Analysis: explores the individual’s level of participation across environments and the use of AT within those environments.

SETT Model

The SETT Model identifies three areas to consider (student, environment, and tasks), then encourages research on the tools to meet student needs.

Student: the abilities and needs of the student are identified.

Environments: refers both to the physical environments as well as the instructional environments within a classroom.

Tasks: the activities the student is asked to perform and the barriers to performance.

Tools: include both AT devices and services.

An intended outcome is an appropriate match between the student, the environment, the tasks, and the technology used to accomplish tasks within the environment.

Education Tech Points (ETP) Model

The ETP Model centers around six “Tech Points”. Each Tech Point identifies the specific times within the planning and provision of special education services that the need for AT should be considered.

Tech Point #1, Referral, starts with the process of identifying students in need of services.

Tech Point #2, Evaluation, considers whether the student needs AT during the evaluation process; and whether the student needs AT as part of curricular modifications.

Tech Point #3 involves an Extended Assessment -- a trial period with one or more AT devices.

Tech Point #4 is Plan Development, consisting of documenting that AT has been considered in the development of the IPP.

Tech Point #5 involves Implementation. Three critical areas are identified: student training, staff training, and equipment management

Tech Point #6, Periodic Review, the team reviews the implementation data and determines whether changes are needed.

The ultimate outcome is that the student receives the AT devices and services needed to access the curriculum and meet IPP goals and objectives.

Wisconsin Assistive Technology Initiative (WATI) Model

The WATI targets school-age children with disabilities and school districts and is made up of 10 sections.

Section 1:  Provides an overview of the AT assessment and planning process.

Section 2 (Assistive Technology Assessment Packet): Provides all the forms developed for the WATI model.

Section 3: Addresses AT for writing and computer access

Section 4 (AT for communication): Addresses three major groups of individuals - the alternative language group, the expressive language group, and the supportive language group.

Section 5:  Includes AT for reading, studying, and mathematics grouped together for adaptations in academic areas.

Section 6: Provides information on AT for recreation, leisure, and activities of daily living, including environmental control.

Section 7:  Addresses AT for positioning and seating.

Section 8: Addresses AT for vision and hearing.

Section 9:  Focuses on writing AT in the IPP with examples of IPP goals and objectives.

Section 10:  Provides information on AT laws and funding, including funding sources, legal provisions and policies.

The outcomes of the WATI assessment process focus on consideration of AT in the IPP and that the student receives AT devices and services needed to access the curriculum and meet IPP goals and objectives.

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