Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Day Nine: Powerful Presentations

Our ninth day of class involved members of our class sharing how they transformed a traditional handout into an engaging and interactive 21st century activity.  Each group shared a number of fantastic ways to engage ALL of our students in the classroom.  It was a fantastic and eyeopening learning experience!

One of my favourite apps introduced was the app Puppet Pals HD.  This app allows students to create their very own puppet show where they choose their own characters and backdrops and then record their show.  

I loved this app so much that I purchased the directors cut version and tried it out with two grade 3 students who struggle with getting their thoughts down on paper.  The students were reading the story "Chicken Little" in class and were required to complete a reading response describing the important events of the story.  Instead of doing a traditional paper pencil reading response, they used the Puppet Pals app to take pictures of the characters in the story and record a puppet show retelling the important events.  It was amazing to see them so engaged in the activity and loving every minute of it! 


  1. What a great way to use this app. The students must have loved being able to show what they know in a different way. How rewarding for you to help these students achieve success.

  2. Glad to see someone has used Puppet Pals already....I thought it was a fantastic app!!
