Tuesday, 4 December 2012

Homemade AT

1. Tape -  Tape can be used for the stabilization of materials.  Simply tape the paper to the work surface to keep it from sliding around for children who have trouble holding the paper with one hand while writing with the other. 

2.  Cereal Box Lid - A cereal box lid can be used as a slant board or inclined surface.  Simply cut to an angle. 

3.  Glue Sticks and an Elastic Band - Glue sticks and an elastic band can be used to make a T-shaped grip.

4.  Gloves - A glove can be used for finger isolation to avoid accidental hits on the iPad. 

5.  Crayola Model Magic - Model Magic can be used to make gripping pencils and paint brushes easier. 

6.  Clear Coloured Divider - A clear coloured divider can be used as an overlay for reading. 

7.  Cutting Board - A cutting board can be used as a communication board. 

8.  Egg Carton - An egg carton can be used as a card holder for kids with physical disabilities. 

9.  Tennis Ball - A tennis ball can be used as a pencil grip. 

10.  Plastic Ring - A plastic ring can be used to modify a mouse. 


  1. Trish LOVE that iPad glove idea! Thanks

  2. Your ideas are fantastic. I love the glove!! Also the coloured overlays are great for kids with Irlen Syndrome, so inexpensive!! I have never seen a plastic ring used on a mouse! Awesome!

  3. HI,
    I wondered if you had directions on how to make that tennis ball pencil grip? You can email me at susan.frame@iesdb.org please put tennis ball grip in the subject heading as your email might end up in my spam box, but I will be watching for it!
