Saturday, 15 December 2012

Compelling Case Studies

On our last day of class, we presented our case studies about utilizing assistive technologies to help struggling students achieve specific learning goals.  I was once again blown away by the power of AT and its promotion of independence in the classroom!

Darci's Case Study:  It was amazing to see how the portability and built in features of the iPad enable this struggling student to reach her curriculum goals.  She no longer has to transport bulky pieces of paper with extremely large font through the halls of school, but is now able to carry a small trendy iPad and use the zoom feature to make the text on any document the optimal size for reading.  Amazing!

Emily's Case Study:  I loved how the app EDU Creations allowed this student to share her stories with her teachers and peers using her voice and pictures.  Heartwarming!

Stephanie's Case Study:  It was fantastic to see how Co-Writer has allowed this student to write fantastic Star Trek stories with ease.  He truly is an author!

Ann's Case Study:  I loved how the use of technology has had a direct impact on this students confidence.   Assistive technology has allowed this student to view himself as a successful learner.

Francine's Case Study:  It was amazing to see how AT gave this student a voice both at school and at home.  What an uplifting story of child who can now communicate with his family using the iPad and Proloquo2Go.  

Janet's Case Study:  Talk about engagement!  It was fantastic to hear about a student, once disengaged from the classroom, now completely engaged through the use of technology.  The app iMove allowed this student to successfully complete his book report on the Hunger Games.  Fantastic!

Isaac's Case Study:  I loved the idea of using ComicLife for Social Stories!

Traci's Case Study:  It was fantastic to see how AT can be incorporated in Levelled Literacy Intervention to help our struggling readers and writers.  I really liked the idea of using a sand tray and the Wet, Dry, Try App to help students learn and remember those very important high frequency words.  Great!

Scott's Case Study:  I really liked the idea of using the PicCollage App as a graphic organizer for writing.  What a great way for this student to organize her writing ideas on Guinea Pigs.  I also enjoyed how you introduced this student to different apps that would allow her to use the speak selection option on the iPad to learn about guinea pigs (e.g., the GuineaPedia and Britannica Kids App).  Great use of AT!

Great work everyone!!!!

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